72-9705. Payment of honors scholarships;certification of enrollment;discontinued attendance of student.(a) Payment to a Kansas honor student of a Kansas honors scholarshipshall be made at a time specified by the board of regents uponcertification by an institution of postsecondary education that the Kansashonorstudent is enrolled in an honors or gifted program at the institution. Payments of Kansas honors scholarships shall be made upon vouchers approved byanadministrative officer designated by the board of regents and upon warrantsof the director of accounts and reports. Payments of Kansas honors scholarshipsmay be made by the issuance of a single warrant to each institution ofpostsecondary education at which a Kansas honor student is enrolled for thetotalamount of Kansas honors scholarships for all Kansas honor students enrolled atthatinstitution. The director of accounts and reports shall cause suchwarrant to be delivered to the institution of postsecondary education at whichtheKansas honor student or students are enrolled. Upon receipt of suchwarrant, the institution of postsecondary education shall credit immediatelytheaccount of each Kansas honor student enrolled at that institution by anamount specified by the board of regents for each such student.
(b) If a Kansas honor student discontinues attendance before the end ofan honors or gifted program, after the institution of postsecondary educationhasreceived payment under this section, the institutionshall pay to the state the entire amount which the Kansas honor studentwould otherwise qualify to have refunded not to exceed the amount of thepayment made under the Kansas honors scholarship.
(c) All amounts paid to the state by an institution of postsecondaryeducation under subsection (b) shall be remitted to thestatetreasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendmentsthereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shalldeposit the entire amount in the statetreasuryto the credit of the state scholarship discontinued attendance fund.
History: L. 1988, ch. 358, § 5;L. 2001, ch. 5, § 295; July 1.