73-205. Statutes applicable to world war veterans.All rights, privileges and immunities extended to and enjoyed byhonorably discharged soldiers of any of the wars in which this country hasengaged, previous to the great world war, are confirmed, extended to, andhereby made to apply to the honorably discharged soldiers, sailors andmarines, and others who honorably served with the armed forces of theUnited States in the world war, including former American citizens whoserved in the armies of governments associated with the United States inthe world war, and who have been repatriated; it being the express intentof this statute that all of the provisions of the Laws of 1885, chapter 184[73-301 to 73-303], Laws of 1886, chapter 160 [73-201, 73-203, 73-204],Laws of 1889, chapter 234 [73-211], Laws of 1897, chapter 157 [73-207,73-208], Laws of 1901, chapters 186 [73-201] and 289 [73-211, 73-212], Lawsof 1903, chapter 362 [73-417 to 73-422], Laws of 1907, chapters 374[73-201, 73-202], 375 [73-304, 73-305] and 376 [73-301], Laws of 1909,chapters 221 [73-306 to 73-308] and 222 [73-207], Laws of 1911, chapter 289[73-424 to 73-426], and Laws of 1915, chapter 102 [73-430 to 73-432],including any amendments thereto, shall be extended and made to apply, ashereinbefore provided.
History: L. 1921, ch. 257, § 1; March 7; R.S. 1923, 73-205.