73-213. Definitions.For the purposes of this act, the following terms shall have themeanings ascribed to them by this section, unless the context clearlyrequires otherwise:
(a) "Officer" means any officer or employee of the state of Kansas orany political subdivision thereof.
(b) "Military service" means service in the army, navy, or marine corpsof the United States or any compulsory service rendered in any capacity tothe federal government for the purpose of national defense.
(c) "Appointive authority" means the person, board, commission, or otherauthority vested by law with power to appoint a successor for an officerupon the happening of a vacancy in the office or position held by suchofficer; but if no person, board, commission, or other authority is vestedby law with power to appoint a successor for an officer upon the happeningof such a vacancy, then "appointive authority" shall mean the governor ofthe state of Kansas.
(d) "Temporary vacancy" means a vacancy in an office or position causedby the absence in military service of the officer elected or appointedthereto. If the officer was originally elected or appointed for a definiteterm such "temporary vacancy" shall mean the period of time beginning withthe day such officer shall enter the military service and ending with theday he shall return from military service, or with the expiration of theterm for which he was elected or appointed, whichever period of time is theshorter. If the officer was originally appointed to his office or positionfor an indefinite term or for a term expiring at the pleasure of theappointive authority, such "temporary vacancy" shall mean the period oftime beginning with the day such officer shall enter the military serviceand ending with the day he shall return from military service, or with theexpiration of the appointive power of the original appointive authority,whichever period of time is the shorter.
History: L. 1941, ch. 355, § 1; Feb. 24.