73-301. Burial of Union soldiers, sailors or marines or their wives orwidows.It shall be the duty of the county commissioners in each of the countiesof this state to designate the township trustee or some other suitableperson in each township, whose duty it shall be to cause to be decentlyinterred the body of any honorably discharged Union soldier, sailor ormarine who served in the Union army or navy in the war of 1861-'65, knownas the "civil war," or the body of the wife or widow of any such soldier,sailor, marine, who may hereafter die without leaving sufficient means todefray his or her funeral expenses. Such burial shall not be made in anycemetery or burial ground or that portion of any burial ground usedexclusively for the pauper dead. The expenses of any such burial shall inno case be more than one hundred dollars ($100). If the deceased hasrelatives or friends who desire to conduct the burial they shall bepermitted to do so, but if they are unable to pay the expenses thereof,such expense shall be paid by the county in which the deceased soldier,sailor, marine, his wife, or widow, may die, as hereinbefore provided.
History: L. 1885, ch. 184, § 1; L. 1907, ch. 376, § 1; R.S. 1923, 73-301; L.1927, ch. 284, § 1; June 1.