9-1122. Closing one business day a week; change in hours; notice. (a) Any bank or trust company may remain closed on any one business day of every week or may make a permanent change in bank hours of business, upon the adoption by its board of directors of a resolution authorizing the same to be done, and the posting of the resolution in a conspicuous place within the bank or trust company premises at least 15 days in advance of any such closing or change in hours. Thereafter, the bank or trust company may remain closed on the business day of every week designated in the resolution, or may operate under the changed bank hours designated in the resolution, and the resolution and the posting thereof shall control until the same be repealed or amended by subsequent resolution which shall require the same procedure in order to be effective. If the business day designated in any resolution regarding closing is a legal public holiday, the bank or trust company may close on the business day preceding or following the legal public holiday.
Should a legal public holiday fall on Sunday, any bank or trust company may close on the next preceding or following business day.
(b) Every day on which any bank or trust company shall remain closed pursuant to this act shall be deemed a holiday for all of the purposes of chapter 84 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, and with respect to any banking business of any character. No bank or trust company shall be required to permit access to its safe, deposit vault or vaults on any such day. Where a contract by its terms requires the payment of money or the performance of a condition on any such day by, through, with or at any bank or trust company, then the payment may be made or condition performed on the next business day with the same force and effect as if made or performed in accordance with the terms of the contract. No liability or loss of rights of any kind shall result from the delay.
(c) The posting of the notice provided for in this section shall be notice to everyone of the closing or change in hours of the bank or trust company, and thereafter no liability shall be incurred by the bank or trust company by reason of closing or changing the bank hours pursuant to this act.
History: L. 1951, ch. 125, § 1; L. 1971, ch. 33, § 1; L. 1996, ch. 175, § 13; Apr. 25.