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6.747 Prohibition against honoraria -- Authorization for certain out-of-state travel
-- Penalty.
(1) A legislator shall not accept any compensation in consideration for an appearance,
speech, or article unless the appearance, speech, or article is both related to the
legislator's employment outside the General Assembly and is unrelated to his
position as a legislator.
(2) A legislator may accept prepaid transportation, food, and lodging or be reimbursed
for actual expenses for out-of-state travel associated with the performance of his
duties as a legislator if he obtains prior approval of the travel from a majority of the
Legislative Research Commission. The reimbursement of expenses pursuant to this
subsection shall be reported to the Legislative Research Commission.
(3) Violation of this section is ethical misconduct.
Effective: September 16, 1993
History: Created 1993 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 4, sec. 11, effective September
16, 1993.