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6.767 Prohibition against acceptance of campaign contributions from legislative
agents -- Penalty.
A member of the General Assembly, candidate for the General Assembly, or his
campaign committee shall not accept a campaign contribution from a legislative agent.
Violation of this provision is ethical misconduct. It shall be a complete defense if the
legislator or candidate receives a campaign contribution from a legislative agent, which
fact is unknown to the legislator or candidate at the time of receipt, if the legislator or
candidate either returns the contribution within fourteen (14) days of receipt and within
fourteen (14) additional days makes that fact, together with the name of the contributor,
amount of the contribution, and the date of return or payment known, in writing to the
commission. It shall also be a defense if a legislator or candidate receives a campaign
contribution from a legislative agent whose name does not yet appear on the list of
legislative agents furnished to the Legislative Research Commission if the legislator or
candidate returns the campaign contribution within fourteen (14) days of the Legislative
Research Commission's receipt of the list bearing the name of the legislative agent and
makes the written disclosure to the commission required in this subsection. The fourteen
(14) day time periods shall be tolled upon the filing with the commission of a request for
an advisory opinion regarding the campaign contribution. Upon the issuance of the
opinion or decision not to render an opinion, the fourteen (14) day period shall resume.
Effective: September 16, 1993
History: Created 1993 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 4, sec. 17, effective September
16, 1993.