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6.787 Statements of financial disclosure -- Form -- Contents.
(1) The statement of financial interests required by KRS 6.781 shall be filed on a form
prescribed by the commission. The commission shall provide copies of the form
without charge to any person required to file.
(2) The statement shall include the following information for the preceding calendar
(a) Name, business address, business telephone number, and home address of the
(b) Title of the filer's public position or office sought;
(c) Any other occupations of filer and spouse;
(d) Positions held by the filer or his spouse in any business, partnership,
corporation for profit, or corporation not for profit from which the filer
receives compensation, and the name of that business, partnership, or
(e) Names and addresses of all businesses, investments, or securities in which the
filer, his spouse, or children has or had at any time during the preceding year
an interest of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) at fair market value or five
percent (5%) ownership interest or more;
(f) Sources of gross income of the filer and his spouse, information concerning
the source, and the form of the income;
(g) All positions of a fiduciary nature in a business;
(h) A designation as commercial, residential, or rural, and the location of all real
property, other than the filer's primary residence, in which there is an interest
of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more held by the filer, his spouse, or
(i) Sources of gifts of money or property with a retail value of more than two
hundred dollars ($200) to the filer or the filer's immediate family, except those
from a member of the filer's family;
(j) The name of any creditor owed more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000),
except debts arising from the purchase of consumer goods. As used in this
paragraph, the term "consumer goods" has the same meaning as in KRS
(k) The name of any legislative agent who is:
A member of the filer's immediate family;
A partner of the filer, or a partner of a member of the filer's immediate
An officer or director of the filer's employer;
An employer of the filer or an employer of a member of the filer's
immediate family; or
A business associate of the filer or a business associate of a member of
the filer's immediate family;
(l) The names of any of the filer's clients who are legislative agents or employers;
(m) An answer to the question, "If you have held a professional license during the
filing period, has a properly licensed partner of yours engaged in the practice
of cases or other matters which you are prohibited from practicing under KRS
6.744?" If the filer responds affirmatively, he shall also list the names of the
clients represented and list the agencies before which the partner made an
appearance. These lists shall be separate and need not identify which client
was represented before a specific agency.
(3) Paragraphs (a) to (j) of subsection (2) of this section shall not require disclosure of
specific dollar amounts. Paragraph (f) shall not require the disclosure of the names
of clients or customers of business entities listed as sources of income.
Effective: July 1, 2001
History: Amended 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 408, sec. 175, effective July 1, 2001. -- Created
1993 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 4, sec. 23, effective September 16, 1993.