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6.791 Public record status of statements of financial disclosure -- Retention
requirements for commission.
(1) Upon receipt by the commission, a statement of financial interests shall be a public
record available for copying. A statement may be reviewed and copied at the office
of the commission during ordinary business hours.
(2) A statement of financial interests shall be retained by the commission for five (5)
years after filing in a form, including microfilming, that shall facilitate document
retention, except that:
(a) Upon the expiration of three (3) years after an individual ceases to be a
member of the General Assembly, or an individual employed in a position
listed in KRS 6.781(3) ceases to be employed in that position, the commission
shall destroy any statements of financial interests or copies of those statements
filed by the individual and which are in the possession of the commission,
unless the individual is otherwise required to file a statement; and
(b) Upon the expiration of three (3) years after any election at which a candidate
for the General Assembly was not elected or nominated, the commission shall
destroy any statements of financial interests or copies of those statements filed
by him as a candidate, unless the individual is otherwise required to file a
Effective: September 16, 1993
History: Created 1993 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 4, sec. 22, effective September
16, 1993.