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15.470 Purposes for which assistance funds may be used.
Law Enforcement Foundation Program funds made available to local units shall be
received, held, and expended in accordance with the provisions of KRS 15.410 to 15.510,
including the administrative regulations promulgated by the Justice and Public Safety
Cabinet and the following specific restrictions:
(1) Funds provided shall be used only as a cash salary supplement to police officers, for
payments to the defined benefit pension plan to which the officer belongs to cover
employer retirement costs on the cash salary supplement, and for administrative
costs as provided in KRS 15.450;
(2) Funds provided shall be used only to compensate police officers who have complied
with KRS 15.440(1)(c), (d), and (e).
(3) Each police officer shall be entitled to receive the state supplement which his
qualifications brought to the local unit; and
(4) Funds provided shall not be used to supplant existing salaries or as a substitute for
normal salary increases periodically due to police officers.
Effective: June 26, 2007
History: Amended 2007 Ky. Acts ch. 85, sec. 25, effective June 26, 2007. -- Amended
2002 Ky. Acts ch. 137, sec. 3, effective July 15, 2002. -- Amended 1988 Ky. Acts
ch. 11, sec. 14, effective July 15, 1988. -- Amended 1984 Ky. Acts ch. 300, sec. 7,
effective July 13, 1984. -- Amended 1974 Ky. Acts ch. 74, Art. V, sec. 24(10). --
Created 1972 Ky. Acts ch. 71, sec. 7.