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15.707 Subpoena power of Prosecutors Advisory Council.
The Prosecutors Advisory Council shall have the power to issue subpoenas requiring the
attendance of such witnesses and the production of such records, books, papers, and
documents as it may deem necessary for investigation of any matter that it is authorized to
consider or reasonably necessary therefor. Subpoenas may be signed and oaths
administered by any member of the council. Subpoenas so issued shall be served by any
sheriff, constable, police officer, or other peace officer at the request of the council, and a
return of subpoena shall be made to the council in the same manner as similar process in
the Circuit Court. Any person who refuses to testify, testifies falsely, or fails to appear
when subpoenaed, or fails or refuses to produce documents, records, or other such
material when subpoenaed, or fails or refuses to serve a subpoena or execute a return
thereon, upon citation by the Franklin Circuit Court and after hearing by the court, shall
be subject to the same order and penalties to which persons before that court are subject.
Any Circuit Court, upon application of the council or the Attorney General, may compel
the attendance of witnesses, the production of documents, records, or other such material,
and the giving of testimony before the council.
Effective: April 10, 1990
History: Created 1990 Ky. Acts ch. 419, sec. 3, effective April 10, 1990.