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27A.020 Chief Justice -- Delegation of functions.
The Chief Justice in his sole discretion may delegate the following functions to the
administrative director of the courts or to his administrative assistants:
(1) Perform administrative services for the Court of Justice and supervise its clerical
and administrative personnel, and its accommodations;
(2) Act as fiscal officer of the Court of Justice and in so doing shall:
(a) Maintain fiscal controls and accounts of funds appropriated for the Court of
(b) Review and audit expense vouchers of justices, judges, and employees of the
Court of Justice. Upon approval, the Chief Justice shall submit the vouchers to
the Finance and Administration Cabinet, which shall certify the same to the
State Treasurer for payment;
(c) Prepare all requisitions for the payment of state moneys appropriated for the
maintenance and operation of the Court of Justice;
(d) Prepare budget estimates of state appropriations necessary for the maintenance
and operation of the Court of Justice and make recommendations in respect
(e) Collect statistical and other data and make report to the Supreme Court
relating to the expenditure of public moneys for the maintenance and
operation of the Court of Justice and the offices connected therewith;
(3) Ascertain the necessity for assignment of justices and judges as contemplated by
Section 110(5)(b) of the Constitution, make reports concerning their performance of
duties and certify the compensation payable to them;
(4) Carry on a continuous survey and study of the organization, operation, condition of
business, practice and procedure of the Court of Justice;
(5) Collect and compile statistical and other data concerning the operations of the
courts, and to this end may require all necessary reports from the courts and clerks
thereof of this Commonwealth relating to rules, dockets, and business dispatched or
pending in such courts;
(6) Formulate and submit to the Supreme Court recommendations of policies for the
improvement of the Court of Justice;
(7) Provide for educational programs for the members of the Court of Justice;
(8) Report to the General Assembly concerning the work of the Court of Justice and
make such recommendations for the improvement of administration of justice as
deemed necessary and proper;
(9) Supervise, operate, and administer all pretrial release programs and personnel which
come within the purview of the Court of Justice, or which are related thereto;
(10) Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Chief Justice.
History: Created 1976 Ky. Acts ch. 61, sec. 3.