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36.220 Expenses of active militia -- Appropriations may be used interchangeably.
All necessary cost and expense of perfecting and maintaining the organization of the
Kentucky active militia, the payment of salaries, expenses of administration, purchase of
necessary equipment, supplies, printing, postage and all other necessary expenditures
shall be paid out of any budget appropriation made for the present or that may be made
for any future fiscal year, for use of the military department, and the adjutant general is
hereby authorized and empowered to use any funds so appropriated interchangeably for
the Kentucky active militia or the National Guard, except as to the armory fund. In the
event there is not sufficient funds in the budget allotted to the adjutant general, the
Governor is authorized to expend from his emergency fund or any other fund
appropriated by the Legislature a sufficient amount to take care of any deficiency that
may arise.
History: Created 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 4, sec. 17.