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39C.090 Requests for waiver of requirements.
Requests for the waiver of any requirement of KRS 39C.050, 39C.060, 39C.070, and
39C.080 or any criteria of KRS Chapter 39F may be submitted with appropriate
justification to the director of the division. The director may grant waivers only upon the
finding that the justification merits special action and failure to grant the waiver would
jeopardize the continuation or development of a viable local emergency management
agency and program. In every case, the director shall insure that the local agency and
program continues to meet the basic intent of KRS Chapter 39B. Waivers shall apply on a
one (1) time basis relating to a specific request and shall not be construed to establish
Effective: July 15, 1998
History: Created 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 226, sec. 48, effective July 15, 1998.