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45A.725 Authority of committee to establish policies and procedures relating to
manner and form of notification and documentation to accompany personal
service contract, tax incentive agreement, or memorandum of agreement.
(1) The Government Contract Review Committee may establish policies and
procedures concerning the manner and form of notification and the documentation
to accompany the proposed personal service contract, tax incentive agreement, or
memorandum of agreement.
(2) Nothing in this code shall prohibit the committee from accepting personal service
contracts, tax incentive agreement, or memoranda of agreement through the use of
electronic instrumentalities.
Effective: June 26, 2009
History: Amended 2009 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 1, sec. 51, effective June 26,
2009. -- Amended 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 486, sec. 6, effective July 15, 1998. -- Created
1990 Ky. Acts ch. 496, sec. 21, effective July 13, 1990.