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45A.857 Executive sessions of selection committee -- Ranking -- Interviews --
Awarding of contract.
(1) A selection committee shall meet in executive session to:
(a) Evaluate the materials with which it has been provided;
(b) Select the two (2) to five (5) most qualified firms based upon the weighted
evaluation factors in the request for proposals; and
(c) Rank the firms.
(2) In executive session, a selection committee, at its discretion by majority vote, shall
determine whether not to interview and to leave the rankings in place, or to
interview the two (2) to five (5) firms to arrive at new rankings. If the selection
committee decides not to interview and to leave the rankings in place, the winning
firm shall be chosen pursuant to paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of
this section, as appropriate.
(3) (a) If the selection committee decides to interview the two (2) to five (5) firms, it
shall do so preferably on the same day. The firms shall be interviewed one (1)
at a time, and each interview shall be attended only by representatives of the
firm and members of the selection committee. Members of the selection
committee shall keep confidential the substance of an interview until the
contract to the winning firm is awarded.
(b) After the two (2) to five (5) firms have been interviewed, the selection
committee shall meet in executive session to:
Rank the firms interviewed based upon the weighted evaluation factors
established in the request for proposals; and
Forward the rankings to the executive director.
(c) The winning firm shall be awarded pursuant to paragraph (a) or paragraph (b)
of subsection (4) of this section, as appropriate.
(4) (a) For underwriter services:
The name of the top-ranked underwriter firm shall be provided to the
executive director. He shall state in writing to the secretary of the
Finance and Administration Cabinet his reasons for agreeing or not
agreeing with the selection. The secretary shall order that procurement
proceed under subparagraph 2. of this paragraph, or he shall order that
the procurement procedure start again from the beginning pursuant to
KRS 45A.843. The secretary shall state in writing the reasons for his
The executive director of the office shall negotiate a contract with the
top-ranked underwriter firm, as determined by the selection committee,
at compensation which the executive director determines in writing to be
fair and reasonable to the Commonwealth. In making this decision, he
shall take into account the estimated value of the services to be rendered,
and the scope, complexity, and professional nature thereof. Should the
executive director be able to negotiate a satisfactory price, the top-
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ranked firm shall be awarded the contract. The executive director shall
state in writing to the secretary of the Finance and Administration
Cabinet his justifications for the negotiated price.
Should the executive director be unable to negotiate a satisfactory
contract with the top-ranking firm at a price that he considers fair and
reasonable to the Commonwealth, he shall formally terminate
negotiations with the firm. The selection committee shall provide the
executive director the name of the second-ranked firm. The executive
director shall then undertake price negotiations with the second-ranked
firm. Should the executive director be able to negotiate a satisfactory
price, the second-ranked firm shall be awarded the contract. The
executive director shall state in writing to the secretary of the Finance
and Administration Cabinet his justifications for the negotiated price.
Failing accord with the second-ranked firm, the executive director shall
formally terminate negotiations. The selection committee shall provide
the executive director the name of the third-ranked firm, if any. The
executive director shall then undertake price negotiations with the third-
ranked firm. Should the executive director be able to negotiate a
satisfactory price, the third-ranked firm shall be awarded the contract.
The executive director shall state in writing to the secretary of the
Finance and Administration Cabinet his reasons for agreeing or not
agreeing with the price. Should the executive director be unable to
negotiate a satisfactory contract with the third-ranked firm, he shall
formally terminate negotiations, and the procurement procedure shall
start again from the beginning pursuant to KRS 45A.843.
(b) For bond counsel services:
The name of the top-ranked firm shall be provided to the executive
director. If the executive director does not agree with the selection
recommended by the selection committee, the name of the second-
ranked firm shall be submitted to the executive director.
The executive director shall submit the name of the first-ranked firm, or
the second-ranked firm if the executive director did not agree with the
first selection made by the selection committee, to the secretary of the
Finance and Administration Cabinet. The executive director shall state
in writing to the secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet his
reasons for agreeing or not agreeing with the selection. The secretary
shall order the hiring of the selected firm, or he shall order that the
procurement procedure shall start again from the beginning pursuant to
KRS 45A.843. The secretary shall state in writing the reasons for his
Effective: July 15, 1998
History: Amended 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 92, sec. 4, effective July 15, 1998. -- Amended
1996 Ky. Acts ch. 139, sec. 4, effective July 15, 1996. -- Created 1994 Ky. Acts
ch. 409, sec. 6, effective July 15, 1994.