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67B.060 Merit system for department employees.
Upon the creation or maintenance of a metropolitan correctional services department by a
consolidated local government or county fiscal court, the consolidated local government
or fiscal court may create or maintain a departmental merit system, and for that purpose,
establish, maintain, or designate an appropriate board, commission, or committee, whose
duties it shall be to classify and examine applicants seeking employment as officers or
employees of the department, and in addition, to promulgate rules and regulations
governing the classification, qualification, examination, appointment, promotion,
demotion, suspension, and other disciplinary action within the department, with reference
to all personnel of the department; and in addition thereto, to hold such hearings, public
and executive, as may be reasonably required in the operation of a viable employment
protection and career development merit system. All employees of the department below
the rank of assistant director shall be covered by the merit system.
Effective: July 15, 2002
History: Amended 2002 Ky. Acts ch. 346, sec. 51, effective July 15, 2002. -- Created
1972 Ky. Acts ch. 100, sec. 6.