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70.340 Powers after leaving office.
(1) A constable who vacates or is removed from office shall return and account for all
claims, processes and papers in his hands, in the same manner as if he had
continued in office, or he may be required by the county judge/executive to deliver
them to his successor or to the county judge/executive.
(2) The constable shall, after the expiration of his term of office, execute and return all
processes or precepts in his hands at the termination of his office, and may replevy
or collect all executions and fee-bills then in his hands.
Effective: June 17, 1978
History: Amended 1978 Ky. Acts ch. 384, sec. 162, effective June 17, 1978. --
Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208, sec. 1, effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat.
secs. 428, 444.