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79.060 Comptroller to have access to records -- Control of personnel -- Purchase of
supplies -- Requisitions.
(1) The comptroller shall have access to all records, of cities or counties who have
contracted to enter into this compact, that relate to personnel and the procurement of
supplies. In no case shall the comptroller exercise authority over persons who have
been appointed by elective officials whose terms have not expired at the time of the
institution of the provisions of KRS 79.010 to 79.070, and at the expiration of the
term of such official, the appointee may be retained if he qualifies by passing the
prescribed merit test.
(2) The comptroller shall purchase all supplies for the commission, except those things
that may be classified as emergencies as determined by the commission. The
comptroller shall set up standards for the type of equipment to be ordered by him.
Before purchasing any materials other than emergencies, competitive bids shall be
required and the lowest bidder with approved quality goods shall receive the order.
(3) At certain stated times, the various cities or counties of the said intercity or
intercounty compact shall file their requisitions for needed supplies. The
comptroller, after examining the budget of such a city or county and determining the
need for such materials, may approve or veto such a requisition. If he approves the
order of the city or county, the process of purchasing may proceed and the
respective city or county be charged with the account. If the requisition is vetoed,
the commission may set aside the veto only by unanimous vote.
History: Created 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 43, sec. 6.