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90.360 Dismissal, suspension or reduction -- Exclusions from classified service.
(1) No employee in the classified service of a city of the second or third class shall be
dismissed, suspended, or reduced in grade or pay for any reason except inefficiency,
misconduct, insubordination, or violation of law involving moral turpitude, or, in a
city of the third class, violation of any rule adopted by the city legislative body or
civil service commission.
(2) Any person may prefer charges in writing against any employee by filing them with
the mayor or other appointing authority who shall communicate the charges without
delay to the civil service commission of the city. The charges must be signed by the
person making them and must set out clearly each charge. The appointing authority
shall, whenever probable cause appears, prefer charges against any employee whom
he or she believes guilty of conduct justifying his or her removal. Upon the filing of
charges, the clerk of the civil service commission shall notify its members and serve
a copy of the charges upon the accused employee with a statement of the date,
place, and hour at which the hearing of charges will begin, this hearing not to be
held within three (3) days of the date of the service of charges upon the accused
employee. The day on which the charges are served on the accused employee shall
count as one (1) of the days of notice. The person accused may in writing waive the
service of charges and demand trial within three (3) days after they have been filed
with the clerk of the civil service commission.
(3) Upon the hearing, the charges shall be considered traversed and put in issue, and the
trial shall be limited to the issues presented by the written charges.
(4) The civil service commission shall have the power to summon and compel
attendance of witnesses at all hearings by subpoena issued by the clerk of that body
and served upon the witnesses by members of the police department of the city or
any officer authorized to serve subpoenas. If any witness fails to appear in response
to a summons or refuses to testify concerning any matter on which he may lawfully
be interrogated, any District Judge, on application of the commission, may compel
obedience by proceedings for contempt as in the case of disobedience of a subpoena
issued from the District Court. The accused employee shall have the right to have
subpoenaed any witnesses he or she may desire, upon furnishing their names to the
clerk. As many as ten (10) subpoenas may be served on the request of the accused
employee without charge but each additional subpoena requested by him shall be
issued by the clerk and served by the police department only upon payment of fifty
cents ($0.50) to the city clerk by the employee. The action and decision of the civil
service commission on the charges shall be reduced to writing and kept in a book
for that purpose and the written charge shall be attached to the book containing the
body's decision.
(5) In cases where the head of the department or the appointing authority has probable
cause to believe an employee has been guilty of conduct justifying his removal or
punishment he shall immediately suspend that employee from duty or from both pay
and duty pending trial and the employee shall not be placed on duty or allowed pay
thereafter until the charges are heard by the civil service commission.
(6) The civil service commission shall punish any employee found guilty by reprimand
or a suspension for any length of time not to exceed six (6) months, or by reducing
the grade, if the employee's classification warrants, or by combining any two (2) or
more of these punishments, or by dismissal. No employee shall be reprimanded,
removed, suspended, or dismissed except as provided in this section.
(7) (a) Any of the following offices, positions, and places of employment, in the
police and fire departments of a city of the second or third class, may be
excluded from the classified service:
Chief of police;
Assistant chief of police;
Chief of firefighters; and
Assistant chief of firefighters.
(b) Any classified employee in either department who shall accept an appointment
and qualify as chief of police, assistant chief of police, chief of firefighters, or
assistant chief of firefighters shall be deemed to have received a leave of
absence from the classified service for, and during the incumbency of, any of
those respective positions. If an individual should cease to serve in any of
those positions, there shall be restored to him or her the same classification
and rank which he or she held prior to his or her appointment.
Effective: July 14, 2000
History: Amended 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 359, sec. 1, effective July 14, 2000. -- Amended
1976 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 14, sec. 102, effective January 2, 1978. --
Amended 1956 Ky. Acts ch. 246, sec. 11. -- Amended 1946 Ky. Acts ch. 50, sec. 6. -
- Amended 1944 Ky. Acts ch. 107, sec. 2. -- Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208,
sec. 1, effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. secs. 3235h-7, 3480e-7.