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99.565 Acquisition of property in order to receive federal funds. The council of any community, whose agency has received certification of availability of
federal funds pursuant to section 101(c) of the National Housing Act of 1949, as amended
may authorize the agency to acquire, by eminent domain, purchase, gift, grant, devise or
otherwise, any real property in the development area or urban renewal area without regard
to the conditions, restrictions, or provisions set forth in KRS 99.370, or any other section
of this chapter; if it finds by resolution that it is desirable and feasible to obtain federal
financial assistance authorized by section 403 of the Housing Act of 1959 in acquiring
such real property, and to sell, grant and convey any such real property if by resolution the
agency consents to the disposal thereof. Effective: June 16, 1960
History: Created 1960 Ky. Acts ch. 109, sec. 3, effective June 16, 1960.