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119.175 Receipt of illegal vote or rejection of legal vote by election officer. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, any officer of election who receives, assents to receive or records a vote at an election at a time or place known
by him not to be the time and place lawfully appointed, or who knowingly receives
the vote of any person other than a qualified voter, or refuses to receive the vote of a
qualified voter, shall, for each offense, be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor
more than five hundred dollars ($500), and shall forfeit any office he holds and be
disqualified from ever holding any office. (2) Any judge of a primary election who knowingly receives a vote of an elector who is not qualified to vote in the primary election under KRS 116.055 shall be fined one
hundred dollars ($100) for each offense. History: Created 1974 Ky. Acts ch. 130, sec. 78.