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132.110 Certification of petition for referendum -- Publication of act. (1) Within five (5) days after the filing of the petition for referendum, the Secretary of State shall transmit to the county judge/executive of each county in which
petitioners reside the sheets containing the names of the petitioners of that county.
The county judge/executive shall thereupon set a date not less than ten (10) nor
more than fifteen (15) days thereafter when interested persons may appear and
present proof as to the genuineness of signatures and the qualification of petitioners.
After hearing proof, the county judge/executive shall determine the number of legal
voters of his county who have signed the petition, cause the same to be entered
upon the order book and certify it to the Secretary of State. (2) Within thirty (30) days after receiving from the county judges/executive certification that a number of legal voters constituting in the aggregate five percent
(5%) of the vote of the entire state have signed a petition for referendum, the
Secretary of State shall cause the proposed act or the parts thereof affected and the
fact that the act will be submitted to the voters for their acceptance or rejection at
the next general election to be published pursuant to KRS Chapter 424. Effective: June 17, 1978
History: Amended 1978 Ky. Acts ch. 384, sec. 257, effective June 17, 1978. -- Amended 1976 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 20, sec. 6, effective January 2, 1978. --
Amended 1966 Ky. Acts ch. 239, sec. 133. -- Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208,
sec. 1, effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. sec. 4019b-2, 4019b-3.