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Page 1 of 1 149.338 Inventory of Kentucky forests to be maintained -- Assistance with implementation of surveys. (1) The division shall maintain an inventory of Kentucky's forests and provide a report on the status of Kentucky's forests on a biennial basis. The status report shall
address, at a minimum, timber growth and removal, commercial species
composition, timber quality, market information, forest health, and industry activity.
The division shall cooperate with the United States Forest Service in carrying out
the provisions of this subsection. (2) In order to have accurate, current, and complete information and data, the division shall:
(a) Assist the implementation of the Southern Annual Forest Inventory System by supplying five (5) two-person crews to perform annual data collection; (b) Develop and implement annual surveys of mills, landowners, timber buyers, and other appropriate entities to determine levels of harvesting and timber and
log prices; and (c) Use Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and ensure coordination with statewide GIS efforts. Effective: July 15, 1998
History: Created 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 555, sec. 5, effective July 15, 1998.