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151.240 Surveys of project on behalf of state. On its own initiative or when so directed by the Governor, the cabinet shall make a
preliminary survey and report of any project which involves or might involve expenditure
of state funds or construction work by the State of Kentucky in the construction,
reconstruction, or maintenance of any flood control works or other works concerning or
affecting the development of water resources. If the cabinet, with the approval of the
Governor, finds from such preliminary survey that the project is not favorable, no further
action shall be taken on such project without specific instructions or authorization by the
General Assembly. If the cabinet finds from such preliminary survey that such project is
favorable on a basis of need, economic value or future development, it shall, with the
approval of the Governor, cause a comprehensive final survey and report to be prepared,
and submit such report to the Governor for approval and authority to perform the
necessary construction work. History: Created 1966 Ky. Acts ch. 23, sec. 28.