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Page 1 of 1 151.603 Consistency of each council's long-range water supply plan with other provisions of law -- Contents of plan -- Function of planning councils. (1) Each 2020 water management planning council shall by July 1, 2001, develop a plan consistent with the county long-range water supply plan developed under KRS
151.114 and the water supply planning process set out in KRS Chapter 151 and
administrative regulations of the cabinet and the purposes set out in KRS 224A.300.
The plan shall include a water needs forecast for the county for dates five (5), ten
(10), fifteen (15), and twenty (20) years after the year 2000. The plan shall include a
strategy for delivering potable water as needed into the underserved and unserved
areas of the county, and shall encourage the merger and consolidation of water
systems. The authority may disapprove and direct redevelopment of a plan under
this subsection for inconsistencies with the purposes set out in KRS 224A.300. (2) The 2020 water management planning councils or multicounty planning councils shall assume the role and function of the planning units established to implement
the water supply planning process set out in KRS 151.114 and administrative
regulations of the cabinet. Effective: July 14, 2000
History: Created 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 529, sec. 4, effective July 14, 2000.