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Page 1 of 1 151.625 Establishment of long-term groundwater monitoring network -- Duties. (1) The KGS shall, in cooperation with the Interagency Technical Advisory Committee on Groundwater, establish a long-term groundwater monitoring network for the
purpose of characterizing the quality, quantity, and distribution of Kentucky's
groundwater resources. (2) The monitoring network shall include: (a) Representative sites sampled by various agencies;
(b) Water wells, springs, and surface water associated with wells and springs; and
(c) New monitoring wells installed in areas of demonstrated need. This network shall collect information on a statewide basis and provide long-term
data collection to determine the quality, quantity, and occurrence of groundwater
throughout the Commonwealth. (3) The KGS shall utilize collected data to support research efforts that develop models for groundwater systems, and to determine and monitor trends of groundwater
movement, water quality, and quantity. (4) The KGS shall provide data from the network to the Kentucky Groundwater Data Repository and make the data readily available to the public, government agencies,
industry, and other entities that request access. Analyzed data may be made
available in the form of maps, charts, bulletins, and reports. (5) The KGS shall solicit input from federal, state, and local agencies, and industry, agriculture, universities, and the public to determine priority monitoring locations
based on water quality and quantity concerns as the network is developed. (6) Within ninety (90) days of the end of each state fiscal year, the KGS shall provide to the Governor and the Legislative Research Commission a summary of the
groundwater monitoring network data collection and analysis activities. Effective: July 15, 1998
History: Created 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 30, sec. 3, effective July 15, 1998.