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151B.127 Legislative findings relating to need for high school equivalency diplomas -- Incentives -- Administrative regulations -- Learning contracts -- Tuition
discounts -- Tax credit for employers. The General Assembly recognizes the critical condition of the educational level of
Kentucky's adult population and seeks to stimulate the attendance at, and successful
completion of, programs that provide a high school equivalency diploma. Incentives shall
be provided to full-time employees who complete a high school equivalency diploma
program within one (1) year and their employers. For purposes of this section "equivalent
diploma" means a high school equivalency diploma issued after successful completion of
the General Educational Development tests.
(1) The Kentucky Adult Education Program within the Council on Postsecondary Education shall promulgate administrative regulations to establish the operational
procedures for this section. The administrative regulations shall include but not be
limited to the criteria for:
(a) A learning contract that includes the process to develop a learning contract between the student and the adult education instructor with the employer's
agreement to participate and support the student; (b) Attendance reports that validate that the student is studying for the high school equivalency diploma during the release time from work; (c) Final reports that qualify the student for the tuition discounts under subsection (2)(a) of this section and that qualify the employer for tax credits under
subsection (3) of the section. (2) (a) An individual who has been out of secondary school for at least three (3) years, develops and successfully completes a learning contract that requires a
minimum of five (5) hours per week to study for the high school equivalency
diploma tests, and passes the tests shall earn a tuition discount of two hundred
fifty dollars ($250) per semester for a maximum of four (4) semesters at one
(1) of Kentucky's public postsecondary institutions. (b) The program shall work with the postsecondary institutions to establish notification procedures for students who qualify for the tuition discount. (3) An employer who assists an individual to complete his or her learning contract under the provisions of this section shall receive a state tax credit against the
income tax imposed by KRS 141.020 or 141.040, and the limited liability entity tax
imposed by KRS 141.0401, with credit ordering as provided in KRS 141.0205 for a
portion of the released time given to the employee to study for the tests. The
application for the tax credit shall be supported with attendance documentation
provided by the Kentucky Adult Education Program and calculated by multiplying
fifty percent (50%) of the hours released for study by the student's hourly salary, and
not to exceed a credit of one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($1250). Effective: July 12, 2006
History: Amended 2006 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 2, sec. 38, effective June 28, 2006. -- Amended 2006 Ky. Acts ch. 211, sec. 37, effective July 12, 2006. -- Created
2000 Ky. Acts ch. 526, sec. 12, effective July 14, 2000. Legislative Research Commission Note (6/28/2006). 2006 (1st Extra Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 2, sec. 73, provides that "unless a provision of this Act specifically applies to an
earlier tax year, the provisions of this Act shall apply to taxable years beginning on or
after January 1, 2007."