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Page 1 of 2 154.12-2088 Guidelines -- Application -- Preliminary approval -- Final authorizing resolution. (1) The Bluegrass State Skills Corporation shall establish guidelines and standards for approving skills training investment credits for occupational upgrade training and
skills upgrade training. The guidelines and standards may include, but are not
limited to: required hours of classroom instruction; required courses; certification of
teachers or instructors, whether independent contractors or employees of a qualified
company; certification of providers; progressive levels of instruction; and
standardized measures of employee evaluation to determine successful completion
of a course of study. (2) To apply for skills training investment credits under KRS 154.12-2084 to 154.12-2089, a qualified company shall submit an application to the Bluegrass State Skills
Corporation before commencing its program of occupational upgrade training or
skills upgrade training. The application submitted by the qualified company shall
contain information the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation requires including, but
not limited to:
(a) A proposal for a program of occupational upgrade training or skills upgrade training; (b) A description of each component of the proposed training program and the number of employee training hours requested; (c) A statement of all anticipated costs and expenses of the training program, including the costs and expenses associated with employee wages, equipment,
personnel, facilities, and materials; and (d) Auditing procedures and reporting methods for the submission of information and data to the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation. (3) After a review of applications for skills training investment credits, the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation may designate the qualified company as a preliminarily
approved company and preliminarily approve the amount of skills training
investment credits that the qualified company shall be eligible to receive. The
maximum amount of skills training investment credits preliminarily approved for
all qualified companies by the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation for fiscal year
1998-1999 and fiscal year 1999-2000 shall not exceed one million dollars
($1,000,000) and shall not exceed two million five hundred thousand dollars
($2,500,000) for each fiscal year thereafter. Skills training investment credits shall
be allocated to qualified companies in the same order preliminary approval is
granted by the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation. Skills training investment credits
that remain unallocated by the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation at the end of its
fiscal year shall lapse and shall not be carried forward to a new fiscal year. (4) The preliminarily approved company shall complete all programs of occupational upgrade training or skills upgrade training within one (1) year from the date of the
preliminary approval of the skills training investment credits by the Bluegrass State
Skills Corporation and shall certify the completion of these programs to the
Bluegrass State Skills Corporation. Page 2 of 2 (5) The preliminarily approved company shall maintain in its employment the employees receiving occupational upgrade or skills upgrade training for a minimum
of ninety (90) days following the completion of the program of occupational
upgrade training or skills upgrade training and shall certify to the Bluegrass State
Skills Corporation the number of employees who remained in the employment of
the preliminarily approved company for the full ninety (90) day period. (6) If a qualified company concludes its training program within the prescribed one (1) year and receives the required certifications described in subsections (4) and (5) of
this section, then the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation shall adopt a final
authorizing resolution approving the amount of skills training investment credits
awarded to the preliminarily approved company in accordance with KRS 154.12-
2084 to 154.12-2089. The adoption of a final authorizing resolution shall be
contingent upon the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation's approval of documentation
submitted by the preliminarily approved company supporting all incurred approved
costs. If one (1) or more of the employees of the preliminarily approved company
failed to continue in the employment of the company for ninety (90) days following
the completion of the prescribed one (1) year, then the amount of the skills training
investment credits preliminarily approved for a qualified company shall be reduced
on a pro rata basis for each employee who failed to continue employment with the
preliminarily approved company through the ninety (90) day period. The final
amount of the skills training investment credits awarded to the approved company
shall not exceed the amount of skills training investment credits that the approved
company was preliminarily approved for by the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation
prior to commencement of the training program. Effective: July 14, 2000
History: Amended 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 300, sec. 8, effective July 14, 2000. -- Created 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 499, sec. 3, effective July 15, 1998.