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Page 1 of 1 154.28-140 Application of subchapter to companies that are approved and that enter into agreements by certain dates. If the authority adopts a preliminary resolution designating an eligible company as an
approved company and preliminarily approving the project of the eligible company as an
economic development project prior to July 15, 2002, and the authority adopts a final
resolution approving the eligible company as an approved company and the project of the
eligible company as an economic development project, and the authority and the eligible
company enter into an agreement no later than June 30, 2003, then the approved company
thereafter shall be subject to Subchapter 28 of KRS Chapter 154 effective prior to July
15, 2002. Effective: July 15, 2002
History: Created 2002 Ky. Acts ch. 338, sec. 41, effective July 15, 2002.