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154A.400 Statewide network of lottery retailers -- Criteria for selection -- Uniform fees -- Suspension, revocation or termination of contract -- Purchase or lease of
on-line equipment -- Contracts not transferable or assignable -- Certificates --
General Assembly members not prohibited from being retailers -- Payment of
prize -- Sales tax exemption. (1) (a) The General Assembly hereby recognizes that to conduct a successful lottery, the corporation must develop and maintain a statewide network of lottery
retailers that will serve the public convenience or promote the sale of tickets,
while insuring the integrity of the lottery. (b) To govern the selection of lottery retailers, the board shall, by administrative regulation, develop a list of objective criteria upon which the selection of
lottery retailers shall be based. Separate criteria shall be developed to govern
the selection of retailers of instant tickets and on-line retailers. In developing
these criteria the board shall consider such factors as the applicant's financial
responsibility, security of the applicant's place of business or activity,
integrity, and reputation; however, the board shall not consider political
affiliation, activities, or monetary contributions to political organizations or
candidates for any public office. The criteria shall include, but not be limited
to the following: 1. The applicant shall be current in payment of all taxes, interest and
penalties owed to any taxing subdivision where the lottery retailer will
sell lottery tickets; 2. The applicant shall be current in filing all applicable tax returns and in
payment of all taxes, interest and penalties owed to the Commonwealth
of Kentucky, excluding items under formal appeal pursuant to applicable
statutes; 3. No person, partnership, unincorporated association, corporation, or other
business entity shall be selected as a lottery retailer for the sale of instant
tickets or on-line games who: a. Has been convicted of a felony related to the security or integrity
of the lottery in this or any other jurisdiction, unless at least ten
(10) years have passed since satisfactory completion of the
sentence or probation imposed by the court for each felony; b. Has been convicted of any illegal gambling activity in this or any
other jurisdiction, unless at least ten (10) years have passed since
satisfactory completion of the sentence or probation imposed by
the court for each conviction; c. Has been found to have violated the provisions of this chapter or
any administrative regulation adopted hereunder, unless at least ten
(10) years have passed since the violation; d. Is a vendor or an employee or agent of any vendor doing business
with the corporation; e. Resides in the same household as an officer of the corporation; or f. Has made a statement of material fact to the corporation, knowing
such statement to be false, unless at least ten (10) years have
passed since the statement was made. 4. Retailers shall be afforded the same exceptions to disqualification as
provided for vendors in KRS 154A.600(4)(a) and (b) or (c). 5. In addition to the provisions of subsection (3) of this section, no person,
partnership, unincorporated association, corporation, or other business
entity shall be selected as an on-line lottery retailer who: a. Has been denied a license to sell instant tickets on the basis of
objective criteria established by the board, or any provision of this
chapter; or b. Has failed to sell sufficient instant tickets to indicate that the
location of an on-line game at his outlet would be of economic
benefit to him or the lottery corporation. 6. The applicant shall not be engaged exclusively in the sale of lottery
tickets. However, this paragraph does not preclude the corporation from
contracting for the sale of lottery tickets with nonprofit, charitable
organizations or units of local government in accordance with the
provisions of this chapter. (c) Persons applying to become lottery retailers shall be charged a uniform application fee for each lottery outlet. Retailers chosen to participate in on-line
games shall be charged a uniform annual fee for each on-line outlet. (d) Any lottery retailer contract executed pursuant to this section may, for good cause, be suspended, revoked, or terminated by the president if the retailer is
found to have violated any of the objective criteria established by the board as
provided in subsection (1) of this section. Review of such action shall be in
accordance with the procedures outlined in KRS 154A.090. All lottery retailer
contracts shall be renewable annually after issuance unless sooner canceled or
terminated. (2) (a) A retailer who has been denied an on-line game for reasons other than financial responsibility, security, or integrity shall be permitted to purchase or
lease the equipment necessary to operate such a game from the corporation in
a manner consistent with the corporation's manner of acquisition. A retailer
need not file an appeal before being permitted to purchase or lease on-line
equipment. (b) After one (1) year of operation, any retailer who purchased or leased on-line equipment pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection and whose sales are
equal to or greater than the statewide average of sales of on-line retailers, shall
be reimbursed the cost of the purchase or lease by the corporation. The board
may purchase the terminals of other retailers who purchased their equipment if
the board determines that such purchase is in the best interest of the lottery. (3) No lottery retailer contract awarded under this section shall be transferable or assignable. No lottery retailer shall contract with any person for lottery goods or
services except with the approval of the board. (4) Each lottery retailer shall be issued a lottery retailer certificate which shall be conspicuously displayed at the place where the lottery retailer is authorized to sell
lottery tickets. Lottery tickets shall only be sold by the retailer at the location stated
on the lottery retailer certificate. (5) A member of the General Assembly who meets the same requirements as any other applicant to be a retailer may be granted a retail contract to sell lottery tickets or
participate in any other lottery game operations. No member of the General
Assembly shall be entitled to preference over any other applicant for a contract. (6) For the convenience of the public, all retailers shall be authorized to pay winners up to six hundred dollars ($600) after the retailer performs validation procedures
appropriate to the lottery game involved. Lottery tickets shall be exempt from the
Kentucky sales tax. Effective: December 15, 1988
History: Created 1988 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 1, sec. 9, effective December 15, 1988.