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Page 1 of 2 156.501 Student health services -- Responsibilities of Department of Education and Department for Public Health -- Filling of position -- Funding. (1) The Department of Education shall provide leadership and assistance to local school districts relating to student health services. The department, working in cooperation
with the Department for Public Health, shall provide, contract for services, or
identify resources to improve student health services, including but not limited to
the following:
(a) Standardized protocols and guidelines for health procedures to be performed by health professionals and school personnel. The protocols and guidelines
shall include but not be limited to the following:
1. The delegation of nursing functions consistent with administrative
regulations promulgated by the Kentucky Board of Nursing; 2. Training of designated nonmedical school personnel; and 3. Appropriate documentation and recordkeeping including, but not limited
to, notification to school administrators and parents or guardians of the
provision of health services by a school employee, including
certification of medical necessity for health services signed by a health
care professional, and informed consent for the provision of health
services by a parent or guardian. A copy of the protocols and guidelines shall be made available to each school
in the Commonwealth and shall be maintained by each school in the school's
library; (b) Consultation, technical assistance, and development of quality improvement measures for the state and local boards of education, individual public
schools, and local health departments; (c) Facilitation of statewide and local data collection and reporting of school health services; and (d) Information and resources that relate to the provision of school health services. (2) The Department of Education shall establish a position to assist in carrying out the responsibilities required under subsection (1) of this section. The position may be
established with existing personnel resources, or by contract, with an individual
(a) Holds, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree in nursing with a master's degree in nursing or a related field from an accredited postsecondary institution; and (b) Is a registered nurse licensed under the provisions of KRS Chapter 314. (3) The Department of Education shall provide fifty percent (50%) of the costs for the position required by subsection (2) of this section and the Department for Public
Health shall provide the remaining fifty percent (50%) for the position. The
Department of Education may enter into a contractual arrangement, such as a
Memorandum of Agreement, with the Department for Public Health to share the
costs. Page 2 of 2 Effective: July 15, 2002
History: Created 2002 Ky. Acts ch. 294, sec. 1, effective July 15, 2002.