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156.740 Interagency Commission on Educational and Job Training Coordination -- Membership. (1) The Interagency Commission on Educational and Job Training Coordination is hereby created. Its membership shall be composed of the following individuals,
serving in an ex officio capacity:
(a) The chairman of the Council on Postsecondary Education;
(b) The president of the Council on Postsecondary Education;
(c) The chairman of the Kentucky Board of Education;
(d) The commissioner of the Department of Education;
(e) The commissioner of the Department of Workforce Investment;
(f) The chairman of the Board for the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority; and (g) The president of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. (2) Members shall serve by virtue of their office. The chairman of the commission shall be chosen annually by a simple majority vote of the members. A quorum for
conducting business shall be one-half (1/2) of the members plus one (1). The chair
shall rotate annually, so that no person or agency holds the chairmanship in
successive years. Effective: July 12, 2006
History: Amended 2006 Ky. Acts ch. 211, sec. 79, effective July 12, 2006. -- Amended 2003 Ky. Acts ch. 29, sec. 19, effective June 24, 2003. -- Amended 1997 (1st Extra.
Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 1, sec. 60, effective May 30, 1997. -- Amended 1996 Ky. Acts
ch. 362, sec. 6, effective July 15, 1996. -- Created 1992 Ky. Acts ch. 322, sec. 1,
effective July 14, 1992.