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Page 1 of 1 160.158 Council for Community Education -- Membership -- Bylaws -- Officers -- Meetings -- Reimbursement of expenses. (1) A state Council for Community Education shall be established for the purpose of advising the commissioner of education and the Department of Education on issues
relating to community education programs and making recommendations for the
funding of local community education programs. (2) The council shall have a membership of fifteen (15) persons, appointed by the Governor. Membership may include, but not be limited to, representatives of the
following groups:
(a) Civic organizations;
(b) Community-based organizations;
(c) Community education organizations;
(d) Local government;
(e) Local school district administrators;
(f) Parent organizations;
(g) Postsecondary education;
(h) School boards; and
(i) Teachers. (3) The commissioner of education or the commissioner's designee shall convene the first meeting of the council for the purpose of establishing the bylaws of the council
and electing officers to include: chairman, vice chairman, and secretary. (4) The council shall not meet more than four (4) times annually. Members may be reimbursed for expenses but shall not receive a per diem allowance. Effective: July 15, 1998
History: Created 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 428, sec. 1, effective July 15, 1998.