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164.0281 Duties of Office of Professional Education Preparation Programs. The Office of Professional Education Preparation Programs shall coordinate, promote and
support activities designed to:
(1) Identify high school students and other individuals from designated underserved areas of the Commonwealth who have indicated an interest in, and demonstrated
potential for pursuing professional careers; (2) Provide special educational opportunities for such students to prepare themselves for admission to, and graduation from, professional schools; (3) Provide extramural (off-campus) educational opportunities for professional students in rural and other designated underserved areas of the Commonwealth; (4) Identify currently enrolled professional students, post-graduate trainees and residents who are deemed to have realistic potential for recruitment to practice in
underserved areas of the Commonwealth; (5) Provide for the intensive recruitment of such students and postgraduate trainees for practice in underserved areas; (6) Provide technical assistance to communities in their professional manpower recruitment efforts. Effective: July 15, 1980
History: Created 1980 Ky. Acts ch. 20, sec. 2, effective July 15, 1980.