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164.615 Definitions for KRS 164.605 to 164.675. As used in KRS 164.605 to 164.675, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) "Cooperative extension service district" or "extension district" means the district authorized by KRS 164.620; (2) "County cooperative extension service council" or "extension council" means the organization authorized by KRS 164.625; (3) "College of Agriculture" means the College of Agriculture and Home Economics of the University of Kentucky; (4) "Extension service" means the cooperative extension service in agriculture and home economics of the College of Agriculture of the University of Kentucky and
the United States Department of Agriculture; (5) "Director of extension" means the director of the Kentucky cooperative extension service of the College of Agriculture of the University of Kentucky; (6) "District cooperative extension service board" or "extension board" means the board authorized by KRS 164.630 and 164.635. History: Created 1962 Ky. Acts ch. 275, sec. 3.