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164.7921 Technology initiative trust fund. (1) (a) The technology initiative trust fund created by KRS 164.7911 is intended to support investments in electronic technology for postsecondary education
throughout the Commonwealth to improve student learning. (b) The Council on Postsecondary Education may establish separate subsidiary programs and related accounts to provide financial assistance to the
postsecondary education system in acquiring the infrastructure necessary to
acquire and develop electronic technology capacity; to encourage shared
program delivery among libraries, institutions, systems, agencies, and
programs; to provide funding for the Commonwealth Virtual University under
KRS 164.800; and other programs consistent with the purposes of
postsecondary education, the adopted strategic agenda, and the biennial
budget process. (2) The council shall develop the criteria and process for submission of an application under this section. Any university and the Kentucky Community and Technical
College System may apply to the council for financial assistance from the
technology initiative trust fund. The council shall determine the matching funds or
internal reallocation requirements for the applicants to qualify for funding. Financial
assistance that may be awarded by the council shall be consistent with the adopted
strategic agenda, the biennial budget process, and the availability of any resources
to the technology initiative trust fund. Effective: May 30, 1997
History: Created 1997 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 1, sec. 12, effective May 30, 1997.