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165.080 Bond issue question may be submitted to voters. The board of aldermen of any city of the first class may adopt an ordinance submitting to
the voters of the city at any regular election held in the city the question of whether or not
bonds of the city shall be issued for the benefit of the municipal university if the
ordinance is filed with the county clerk not later than the second Tuesday in August
preceding the regular election. Authorization of the bond issue and submission of the
question to the voters may be by one (1) ordinance and at one (1) election covering the
entire amount of the bonds or it may be by different ordinances authorizing different
elections at different times for parts of the total amount. The ordinance shall provide the
date and maturity of the bonds, the rate of interest they shall bear and the total amount to
be then issued, and shall contain the necessary details with reference to the execution and
delivery of the bonds, their denominations, coupons to be attached, and taxes to be levied
to pay interest and to create a sinking fund to retire the bonds at maturity. A failure of the
voters at one (1) election to authorize a bond issue shall not prevent submission of the
question of issuing bonds at subsequent elections. Effective: July 15, 1996
History: Amended 1996 Ky. Acts ch. 195, sec. 59, effective July 15, 1996. -- Amended 1950 Ky. Acts ch. 113, sec. 1. -- Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208, sec. 1, effective
October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. secs. 2948b-2, 2948b-3.