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Page 1 of 1 174.130 Cabinet's duty to transmit information concerning abandonment of railroad corridors to Department of Parks and Railtrail Development Office --
Records and maps of railroad lines. (1) The Transportation Cabinet, including any agency or other unit of government attached to the cabinet, shall immediately transmit to the Department of Parks and
to the Commonwealth's Railtrail Development Office in the Department for Local
Government any information received from a railroad or other person having an
ownership interest in a railroad corridor pertaining to a proposed or pending action
or proceeding to obtain federal authority for the regulatory abandonment of that
railroad corridor. (2) The Transportation Cabinet shall keep a record of railroad lines in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, including both lines that have been abandoned
through the federal government's regulatory abandonment process and those where
any railroad property interest in the railroad corridor itself has been abandoned
under Kentucky law. The cabinet shall annually publish an updated map showing
the location and as much information as to the status of these lines as practicable.
The record shall include, inasmuch as possible:
(a) A description of the line and its location;
(b) The current or last railroad owner of the line;
(c) The operator of the line;
(d) The addresses and phone numbers for the owners and operators of the lines;
(e) Whether the owner of the line has received authority from the Federal Government to discontinue service over the line; (f) Whether the owner of the line has received authority from the Federal Government to abandon the line; (g) Whether the owner of the line has consummated any authority granted by the Federal Government to discontinue service over the line or to abandon the
line; (h) Whether the line has been railbanked under either federal or state law; and
(i) Any other information the cabinet deems pertinent and useful to the public. Effective: July 15, 2010
History: Amended 2010 Ky. Acts ch. 117, sec. 77, effective July 15, 2010. -- Amended 2007 Ky. Acts ch. 47, sec. 81, effective June 26, 2007. -- Created 2000 Ky. Acts
ch. 338, sec. 6, effective July 14, 2000.