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Page 1 of 1 186.435 Application for operator's license by driver who becomes Kentucky resident -- Verification of status in other jurisdiction -- Procedures for
permanent residents. (1) A licensed driver who becomes a Kentucky resident shall, within thirty (30) days of establishing residency, apply for a Kentucky operator's license in the office of the
circuit clerk in the county where the person has established his or her domicile. (2) The circuit clerk shall, before issuing a person a Kentucky operator's license, verify through the National Drivers Register that the person applying for a Kentucky
operator's license does not currently have his or her operator's license or driving
privilege suspended or revoked in another licensing jurisdiction. (3) A person who is not a United States citizen but who has been granted permanent resident status by the United States Department of Justice, Immigration and
Naturalization Service, and who is a Kentucky resident, shall follow the same
procedures for applying for an original, renewal, transfer, or duplicate operator's
license as persons who are United States citizens. Effective: July 15, 2002
History: Created 2002 Ky. Acts ch. 264, sec. 2, effective July 15, 2002.