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186.670 Application blanks -- Registration receipt and plate. (1) The application blank shall contain blank spaces for, and the applicant shall fill in the owner's name and post office address, make of the trailer, semitrailer, mobile
home or recreational vehicle, and serial or identification number. Every application
shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee. (2) Upon filing application and paying the fee as provided by law, said owner shall be given a receipt containing the registration number and the information included in
the application and one (1) plate for the registration year bearing said number. Effective: July 15, 1982
History: Amended 1982 Ky. Acts ch. 395, sec. 14, effective July 15, 1982. -- Created 1956 (2nd Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 6, secs. 5 and 6, effective January 1, 1957.