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Page 1 of 1 198B.250 Architectural Barriers Advisory Committee. (1) There is hereby created an Architectural Barriers Advisory Committee which shall be attached to the Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction for
administrative purposes. The committee members shall be appointed by the
Governor to serve a term of two (2) years and shall be constituted as follows: three
(3) persons having a physical disability, one (1) citizen at large, and the public
advocate or his designee. (2) The committee shall meet at least quarterly or upon request of the board for the purposes of considering matters relating to accessibility and safety in facilities for
persons with physical disabilities. The committee shall make recommendations to
and otherwise advise the department and the board on these matters. (3) The committee members will receive no compensation for their services, but will be reimbursed for their necessary travel expenses. Effective: July 15, 2010
History: Amended 2010 Ky. Acts ch. 24, sec. 258, effective July 15, 2010. -- Amended 1994 Ky. Acts ch. 405, sec. 50, effective July 15, 1994. -- Created 1980 Ky. Acts
ch. 361, sec. 2, effective July 15, 1980.