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Page 1 of 1 198B.4003 Elevator or fixed guideway system work requiring licensed elevator mechanic and supervising general contractor -- Exceptions. (Effective July 1,
2011) (1) Only a licensed elevator mechanic working under the general supervision of an elevator contractor may:
(a) Erect, construct, alter, replace, maintain, remove, or dismantle any elevator or fixed guideway system contained within buildings or structures; or (b) Wire any elevator or fixed guideway system from the mainline feeder terminals on the controller. (2) A licensed elevator contractor is not required for removing or dismantling elevators or fixed guideway systems:
(a) That are destroyed as a result of a complete demolition of a secured building or structure; or (b) Where the hoistway or wellway is demolished back to the basic support structure and does not allow access that could endanger the safety and welfare
of a person. Effective: July 1, 2011
History: Created 2010 Ky. Acts ch. 116, sec. 1, effective July 1, 2011.