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200.505 State Interagency Council for Services to Children with an Emotional Disability. There is hereby created a State Interagency Council for Services to Children with an
Emotional Disability. The chairman of the council shall be designated by the Governor
and shall establish procedures for the council's internal procedures.
(1) This council shall be composed of the following: (a) Members who shall serve by virtue of their positions: the commissioner of the Department of Education, the commissioner of the Department for Mental
Health and Mental Retardation Services, the commissioner of the Department
for Community Based Services, the commissioner of the Department for
Public Health, the commissioner of the Department for Medicaid Services, the
commissioner of the Department of Juvenile Justice, the director of the
Division of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, and the general
manager of the Division of Juvenile Services of the Administrative Offices of
the Courts, or their designees; and (b) The Governor shall appoint one (1) parent of a child with an emotional disability, who is a consumer of state-funded services for children with an
emotional disability to serve as a member of the council, and one (1) parent
who meets the same criteria to serve as the parent member's alternate to serve
in the absence of the parent member. For each appointment to be made, the
State Family Advisory Council shall submit to the Governor a list of two (2)
names of parents who are qualified for appointment from which list the
Governor shall make the appointment. Appointees shall serve a term of four
(4) years. If the child of the parent member or alternate parent member ceases
to be a consumer of state-funded services for children with an emotional
disability during the term of appointment, the member shall be eligible to
serve out the remainder of the term of appointment. The alternate parent
member may attend and participate in all council meetings but shall vote only
in the absence of the parent member. The parent member and alternate parent
member shall receive no compensation in addition to that which they may
already receive as service providers or state employees, but the parent member
and alternate parent member shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred
through the performance of their duties as council members. (2) The State Interagency Council for Services to Children with an Emotional Disability shall:
(a) Consider issues and make recommendations annually to the Governor and the Legislative Research Commission regarding the provision of services for
children with an emotional disability; (b) Direct each regional interagency council to coordinate services to children with an emotional disability and identify factors contributing to a lack of
coordination; (c) Develop a form to be signed by the parent or other legal guardian of a child referred for services to any interagency council for children with an emotional disability. The form shall enable the agencies involved with the child to share
information about the child as necessary to identify and provide services for
the child; (d) Review service and treatment plans for children for whom reviews are requested, and provide any advice and assistance that the state council
determines to be necessary to meet the needs of children with an emotional
disability referred by regional councils; (e) Assess the effectiveness of regional councils in meeting the service needs of children with an emotional disability; (f) Establish a uniform grievance procedure for the state, to be implemented by each regional interagency council. Appeals may be initiated by the child,
parent, guardian, person exercising custodial control or supervision, or other
authorized representative about matters relating to the interagency service plan
for the child or the denial of services by the regional interagency council.
Upon appeal, an administrative hearing shall be conducted in accordance with
KRS Chapter 13B; (g) Meet at least monthly and maintain records of meetings, except that records that identify individual children shall only be disclosed as provided by law; (h) Adopt interagency agreements as necessary for coordinating services to children with an emotional disability by the agencies represented in the state
council; (i) Develop services to meet the needs of children with an emotional disability; and (j) Promote services to prevent the emotional disability of a child. (3) The State Interagency Council for Services to Children with an Emotional Disability may promulgate administrative regulations necessary to comply with the
requirements of KRS 200.501 to 200.509. Effective: June 20, 2005
History: Amended 2005 Ky. Acts ch. 99, sec. 202, effective June 20, 2005. -- Amended 2004 Ky. Acts ch. 119, sec. 1, effective July 13, 2004. -- Amended 2000 Ky. Acts
ch. 14, sec. 27, effective July 14, 2000. -- Amended 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 426, sec. 166,
effective July 15, 1998. -- Amended 1996 Ky. Acts ch. 303, sec. 2, effective July 15,
1996; and ch. 318, sec. 94, effective July 15, 1996. -- Amended 1994 Ky. Acts
ch. 384, sec. 2, effective July 15, 1994.