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202A.061 Two certifications required. In any proceeding for involuntary hospitalization under the applicable provisions of this
chapter, if the criteria for involuntary hospitalization are not certified by at least two (2)
examining qualified mental health professionals, the court shall, without taking any
further action, terminate the proceedings and order the release of the person. The
qualified mental health professionals shall certify to the court within twenty-four (24)
hours (excluding weekends and holidays) of the examination, their findings and opinions
as to whether the person shall be involuntarily hospitalized. Effective: July 1, 1982
History: Created 1982 Ky. Acts ch. 445, sec. 9, effective July 1, 1982.
Legislative Research Commission Note. This section was enacted in 1982 Acts, Chapter 445, which contains the following language in Section 45 of that Act: "This
Act shall become effective on July 1, 1982." The Ky. Constitution, in Section 55,
requires that a reason be set forth for the emergency. However, no reason is set forth
in this Act. The effective date for 1982 Acts with no emergency provision is July 15,