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Page 1 of 2 214.187 Statewide hepatitis C education, awareness, and information program. (1) The Department for Public Health shall develop a statewide education, awareness, and information program on hepatitis C. The hepatitis C education, awareness, and
information program may be incorporated into other existing health education
programs. The Department for Public Health may make available on its Internet
Web site protocols, guidelines, and materials for hepatitis C education, awareness,
and information programs that increase the understanding of the disease among
general and high-risk populations. (2) The hepatitis C education, awareness, and information program may include material to specifically address individuals who may be at high risk of infection,
including but not limited to law enforcement officials, corrections personnel,
prisoners, veterans, individuals who received blood transfusions prior to 1992,
hemophiliacs, students, and minority communities. The program may utilize
education materials developed by health-related companies and community-based
or national advocacy organizations. The program may include but not be limited to
counseling, patient support groups, and existing hotlines for consumers. (3) In developing the hepatitis C education, awareness, and information program, the department shall consult the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, the
University of Louisville School of Medicine, the Pikeville College School of
Osteopathic Medicine, the American Liver Foundation, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, and any other scientific, medical, or advocacy
organizations to develop the protocols and guidelines for the hepatitis C education,
awareness, and information program. The protocols and guidelines may include but
are not limited to the following:
(a) The risk factors associated with hepatitis C acquisition and transmission;
(b) The most recent scientific and medical information on hepatitis C prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment, and therapeutic decision making; (c) Tracking and reporting of acute cases of hepatitis C by public health officials;
(d) Protocols for public safety and health care workers who come in contact with hepatitis C patients; and (e) Surveillance programs to determine the prevalence of hepatitis C in ethnic and other high-risk populations. (4) The Department for Public Health may coordinate with the Department of Veterans' Affairs and the Department of Corrections to establish specific recommendations
for the hepatitis C education, awareness, and information program. The protocols
and guidelines established by the Department for Public Health, the Department of
Corrections, and the Department of Veterans' Affairs may include topics specified
in subsection (3) of this section and may include but are not limited to protocols
within state agencies to enable departments to provide appropriate treatment for
individuals with hepatitis C, protocols for the education of state agency officials and
other employees who work with individuals with hepatitis C, and protocols within
the Department of Corrections to provide written hepatitis C information to
prisoners on the date of their probation, parole, or release. Page 2 of 2 (5) The Department for Public Health shall report on the hepatitis C education, awareness, and information program to the Interim Joint Committee on Health and
Welfare by December 1, 2006, and every six (6) months thereafter, or upon request
of the committee. Effective: July 12, 2006
History: Created 2006 Ky. Acts ch. 133, sec. 1, effective July 12, 2006.