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Page 1 of 1 216B.155 Development of quality assurance standards for health care facilities. (1) All health care facilities and services licensed under this chapter, with the exception of personal care homes, family care homes, and boarding homes, shall develop
comprehensive quality assurance or improvement standards adequate to identify,
evaluate, and remedy problems related to the quality of health care facilities and
services. These standards shall be made available upon request to the public during
regular business hours and shall include:
(a) An ongoing written internal quality assurance or improvement program;
(b) Specific, written guidelines for quality care studies and monitoring;
(c) Performance and clinical outcomes-based criteria;
(d) Procedures for remedial action to correct quality problems, including written procedures for taking appropriate corrective action; (e) A plan for data gathering and assessment;
(f) A peer review process; and
(g) A summary of process outcomes and follow-up actions related to the overall quality improvement program for the health care facility or service. Current federal or state regulations which address quality assurance and quality
improvement requirements for nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, and
skilled care facilities shall suffice for compliance with the standards in this section. (2) All health care facilities licensed, with the exception of personal care homes, family care homes, and boarding homes, under this chapter, shall use the application form
and guidelines established pursuant to KRS 304.17A-545(5) for assessing the
credentials of those applying for privileges. Effective: June 20, 2005
History: Amended 2005 Ky. Acts ch. 144, sec. 6, effective June 20, 2005. -- Created 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 384, sec. 1, effective July 15, 1998.