NOTE: Art. 1739 effective until Sept. 1, 2005. See Acts 2004, No. 619, §1, eff. Sept. 1, 2005.
Art. 1739. Presumed acceptance of donation by marriage contract.
Donations made by marriage contract can not be impeached or declared void on pretense of a want of acceptance.
NOTE: Art. 1739 as amended by Acts 2004, No. 619, §1, eff. Sept. 1. 2005:
Art. 1739. Limited irrevocability
A donation of property that the donor will leave at his death is irrevocable only in the sense that the donor may no longer dispose of the property by gratuitous title, save for dispositions of modest value. Nevertheless, the donor remains the owner of the property and, as such, retains the full liberty of disposing of it by onerous title, in the absence of an express stipulation to the contrary.
Acts 2004, No. 619, §1, eff. Sept. 1, 2005.