Art. 105. Coroner's report; admissibility in evidence
In a case involving the apparent commission of a crime, the coroner shall make a written report of his investigation to the district attorney within ten days after the completion thereof. In homicide cases the coroner's report shall certify the cause of death.
The report shall be in addition to the proces verbal of an autopsy required by R.S. 33:1565*.
A coroner's report and a proces verbal of an autopsy shall be competent evidence of death and the cause thereof, but not of any other fact.
*Acts 1984, No. 570, §1, amended and reenacted Subparts A and B of Part II of Chapter 3 of Title 33, Subpart A of which contained R.S. 33:1565. The subject matter of R.S. 33:1565 was not continued in the 1984 revision.