§9-525. Fees
(a) Fees charged by filing offices. The following fees apply to filingsand searches made under this Chapter, other than filings with the Departmentof Public Safety and Corrections, office of motor vehicles subject to subsection(b):
To Be To Be
Retained by Remitted to
The Filing The Secretary
Officer of State
(1) A $25 fee for an initial filing,
an amendment a continuation, an
assignment, or a debtor correction $15 $10
(2) A $5 fee for each additional name $ 3 $ 2
(3) A $5 additional fee for an initial
filing disclosing an assignment $ 3 $ 2
(4) A $15 nonstandard form penalty $15 $-0-
(plus $5 per page for each page in excess
of 10 pages) $ 5 $-0-
(5) A $35 initial filing fee for as
extracted collateral or fixture filings $25 $10
(6) A $200 initial filing fee for
transmitting utility filings $183 $17
(7) A $35 initial filing fee for crops
and farm products $30 $ 5
(8) A $5 fee per affected financing
statement for a master amendment or a
master assignment $ 3 $ 2
(9) A $5 fee for a termination
(payable in advance) $ 5 $-0-
(10) A $5 fee for each additional
name on a termination $ 5 $-0-
(11) A $30 certificate fee (plus $1
for each listing more than ten) $20 $10
(12) A $100 initial filing fee for
public finance transactions $75 $25
(13) With respect to master assignments and master amendmentssubject to R.S. 10:9-514.1, a $5.00 fee for each of the financing statements tobe assigned or amended.
(b) Fees charged by Department of Public Safety and Corrections. Thefollowing fees apply to filings made with the Department of Public Safety andCorrections, office of motor vehicles:
(1) A $15 fee for initial filing.
(2) A $15 fee for an amendment.
(c) Remittance to secretary of state. On or before the tenth day of eachmonth, the filing office in R.S. 10:9-502(a)(2) shall remit to the secretary ofstate that portion of the aforementioned fee allocable to the secretary of statewhich was received by the filing office during the preceding month.
(d) Method of payment. Notwithstanding any other provision of lawto the contrary, the secretary of state and all filing officers are herebyauthorized to establish any method of payment for such fees, including but notlimited to payment by charge account or credit card.
Acts 2001, No. 128, §1, eff. July 1, 2001.